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OdgovorObjavljeno:26 Maj 2010, 22:10
Napisal/-a PeterV
If you have any questions and comments on ADVENTURE RACE SLOVENIA 2010, please post them here or send an email to info(a)



OdgovorObjavljeno:14 Jun 2010, 00:17
Napisal/-a klas
Zdravo/Hello Peter!

Težko že čakamo na začetek ARS-a. Všečne so novosti v konceptu tekmovanja.
We are hardly waiting on Adventure race Lovenia 2010. We admire the new race concept.

Samo nekaj vprašanj/some questions:

1. GPS orientacija - Bo ali ne, bo ista kot lani? Sprašujem zaradi razlike v podatkih na SLO in ENG strani.
GPS orientation: yes or no - due to different info on SLO/ENG pages

2. Prva prijava ekipe v sredo - bodo takrat že na voljo karte s KT-ji?
First registration on wednesday - will the maps be still available?

3. Bo mogoče tekmovalcem na obveznih točkah spremljati uspešnost konkurenčnih ekip (zbrano število točk)ali bo vse jasno šele na razglasitvi?
Will teams on obligatory CPs be able to see and to check the "success" = points of other teams?

4. Ali bodo vsi sektorji po pomembnosti enako rangirani in bo torej šlo za poljubno zbiranje točk preko cele trase, ali pa bodo določeni sektorji prednostni in bo za rezultat pomembno, da se prav na njem zbere največ točk?
Will all sectors be ranged equally or do we have priority sectors ?

5. Bo možen dostop do boxa že pred odprtjem obvezne KT? (v primeru TA)
Willbe possible to get into box befor opening the obligatory CP (in case of TA there)?

Hvala in se vidimo/ Thank&see you za Pustolovec Rajd jk


OdgovorObjavljeno:15 Jun 2010, 23:32
Napisal/-a PeterV
first sorry for the late answer.
GPS orientation: yes or no - due to different info on SLO/ENG pages - it will be the same like last year - so GPS orentation - YES.
First registration on wednesday - will the maps be still available? - YES, but you must check in with all the papers.
Will teams on obligatory CPs be able to see and to check the "success" = points of other teams? - We will tray to do so or on live coverage...
Will all sectors be ranged equally or do we have priority sectors ? No, you wil see when you get the map and road book.
Willbe possible to get into box befor opening the obligatory CP (in case of TA there)? - NO

See you in Velenje,