prostor za dogovore o skupnih treningih - kje, kdaj, kako, ...
tu so vam na voljo tudi predlagani programi treninga

Moderatorji: ero, pegaz

Uporabniški avatar
Ja lahko se mi oglasiš an ZS pa se lahko domeniva kako in kaj bi ti lahko posredoval.Ker je pomembno veliko podatkov, kdaj bi šel tečt teh 21km prvič oziroma koliko hitro sedaj tečeš in podobno.Ja je več faktorjev tukaj, da uspešno prebrodiš teh 21km.
Da ne bi tako naredil, kot so pa nekateri, ki so se lotili takoj 21km in to prvo leto treniranja skoraj NORO.In to iz popolne nule.Nikar ne naredi tega!Se ti bo tek zagrajal za celo življenje.
Tečti moraš z užitkom in da že v začetku ne trpiš kot jezus na križu.
Pol boš pa postoma napredoval.In te bo že to držalo pokonci, to veselje, da napreduješ v rezultatu na 21km, da ga izboljšuješ, ali pa da ne stagniraš.Skratka, da nekaj narediš za svoje telo, to ti mora biti prioriteta.
Da se marsikaj urediti, da boš tekel z veseljem.
A ja pa da ne pozabim B-VITAMINČKI, VITAMINČKI.
ha, ha.
No se slišimo in mogoče še kdaj vidimo.
Uporabniški avatar
marathon napisal/-a:Da ne bi tako naredil, kot so pa nekateri, ki so se lotili takoj 21km in to prvo leto treniranja skoraj NORO.In to iz popolne nule.Nikar ne naredi tega!Se ti bo tek zagrajal za celo življenje.

no ja, meni se ni zagravžal...pravzaprav, celo uživam v teku...neverjetno , a? :D

mislim pa tudi , da se v parih mesecih kar dobro lahko pripraviš na polmaraton, na forumu imaš kar nekaj programov. malo prebrskaj temo *Poletov program vadbe*.
uživaj v teku...
Uporabniški avatar
Jaz dve leti sledim isti program, ki sem pa nasel na reviji Runner's World. Pojdi na in isce za "training plan". Imajo razlicne plane za maraton in za polmaraton. Tukaj imas tri programe za polmaraton, ki trajajo 8 tednov:,5 ... -5,00.html

Jaz sledim ta zadnji plan (advanced). S njim sem zelo zadovoljen. Bomo videli, kako mi gre letos.
Uporabniški avatar
Živjo, Tuli. Jaz sem delala po temle programu:
Namenjen je začetnikom in gre postopoma do 21. Začela sem teči lani 1.12. in premagala spomladi Sežano. Brez problemov. Problem je nastal kar nekaj mesecev kasneje, ko nisem imela več programa, pa sem res pretiravala - ta program te pa malce drži nazaj. Pogosto si dejansko sposoben preteči več, a neprestano opozarja na počitek, druge aktivnosti...
Jaz ga vsekakor priporočam. Sicer je namenjem začetnikom, ni tempiran na čas, gre le za zmogljivost preteči 21. Če malce pobrskaš po najdeš še marsikaj - meni je tak program daleč najboljši - deluje interkativno, saj ti vsak dan nameni še par besed. Pa zelo dobro pogrunta, kaj tekačem začetnikom roji po glavi... :roll:

Primer enega tedna vmes:

Monday: No running today. As the mileage continues to build, you will appreciate these rest days on Mondays. I have 20 miles worth of running scheduled for you this week. You're now doing almost as much on weekdays as you will run in the half marathon race itself (12 vs. 13.1). Your confidence should be building. Meanwhile, don't overlook your stretching and strengthening.
Tuesday: Run 4.5 miles at an easy pace. Remember: if you can't converse with a friend without getting out of breath, you're going too fast. Of course, if you don't have a friend to run with, you won't be able to take this test. You can always talk to yourself if you don't mind getting strange stares from other joggers.

Wednesday: An easy 3-miler, or cross-train. Don't be afraid to combine running and walking in a single workout, either this day or on days when you run longer. But more a problem than choice of cross-training is, when do you fit it in? For many people who lead Real Lives and work during the week, the toughest thing about this type of training is finding time to do it. But if you want to train easy, it should be no sweat. In fact, you don't have to sweat during this workout. Given an hour for lunch, there's no reason why you simply can't head out the door of your office and walk for 30 minutes, then come back and grab a light lunch. Nobody said training has to be difficult. Be easy on yourself!

Thursday: Repeat Tuesday's workout: 4.5 miles at a comfortable pace. Another 450-calorie burn. Consider the fact that in running 20 miles this week, you will burn approximately 2,000 calories. Theoretically, you will lose half a pound. You don't have to train excessively or obsessively to lose weight. Consistent training coupled with intelligent eating will do the job for you. Please notice the emphasis on the word "intelligent" in reference to eating.

Friday: Rest day to prepare for the weekend. On Sunday, you run 8 miles. You will need 800 calories worth of energy in your system to allow you to run this far comfortably. Give careful consideration to what you eat the nights before your longest workouts. You also should be giving some thought to the all-important question of what you plan to eat the night before the half marathon. My recommendation would be a plate full of pasta. A lot of runners visit Italian restaurants the night before their races and long workouts. Carbohydrate is the most efficient and effective fuel for endurance athletes.

Saturday: Fifty minutes of cross-training, but keep it easy: walking, biking, swimming or some other activity. Swimming is a particularly useful activity, because you can use it to loosen your muscles the day before or the day after a long run. If you run long Saturdays, you can cross-train on Sundays.

Sunday: Your weekly long run nudges up to 8 miles. That's nearly two-thirds the distance of the half marathon. When you see the 8-mile sign on race day, you will have only 5 more miles to run. Did I say "only?" Hey, at this level of training, a 5-miler is a no-brainer. You're getting tough. On these long runs, practice race strategy. Most important is drinking. If you can't find a friendly fountain to run past, you might consider investing in a water belt.

Tip of the Week: Regardless of whether you are a morning person or an evening person, run at the time of day that is most convenient for you and for those around you. The availability of daylight also may be a factor, particularly in winter. And how hot it is may dictate a pre-dawn start in summer. Eventually, you will determine the workout time that is most convenient.

Skratka, jaz ga priporočam za prvič, je preverjen; in če se ga res držiš (jaz sem se ga 95%), ti garantiram čas pod 1 53 :).